Recipes and Resources
This is a list of recipes and resources found in IndustrialCraft².
Vanilla blocks changed[edit]
Name | Picture | Description |
Obsidian | ![]() |
Explosion resistance changed from 6000 to 60, this allows nuke and reactor to destroy obsidian on default power(up to 6 blocks). |
Water | ![]() |
Explosion resistance changed from 500 to 30, this allows TNT and ITNT to destroy water blocks. |
Lava | ![]() |
Explosion resistance changed from 500 to 30, this allows TNT and ITNT to destroy lava blocks. |
Lava bucket | ![]() |
Fuel value changed from 20000 to 2000 if used inside Iron Furnace. |
Cacti | ![]() |
Can now be burned in any furnace for 50 fuel points. |
Sugar Cane | ![]() |
Can now be burned in any furnace for 50 fuel points. |
Name | Picture | Description |
Copper Ore | ![]() |
Found on layers 10 to 70(rate 15:10). Used most notably to make Copper Cable and Bronze. |
Tin Ore | ![]() |
Found on layers 0 to 40(rate 25:6). Used most notably to make Rechargeable Batteries and cells. |
Uranium Ore | ![]() |
Found on layers 0 to 64(rate 20:3). Used to make Refined Uranium. |
Generation rate is number of generation attempts per chunk : number of ore generated per attempt.
Name | Picture | Description |
Rubber Tree | ![]() |
Unique trees which have pine (dark) logs and birch (light) leaves. They are rare to find, but are more common in Swamp biomes, and are easy to find through their unique "wing" on their leaf design. Their wood is special and has resin holes that may be right-clicked on with a Treetap to get Sticky Resin, extracted to make one piece of Rubber, be crafted into 3 (instead of 4) wooden planks, or be smelted into normal spruce wood. Their leaves have a small chance of dropping a Rubber Tree Sapling. |
World generation rate of Rubber Trees depends on biome:
Desert 0% chance to generate any Rubber Trees per chunk. | Forest 2-12% chance to generate 1-6 Rubber Trees per chunk. |
Taiga 0-6% chance to generate 0-3 Rubber Trees per chunk. | Swampland 10-30% chance to generate 5-15 Rubber Trees per chunk. |
Minimal tree height is 2 max is 8. Every log has a 25% chance of having a resin hole, max 3 holes per tree.
Name | Recipe | Description |
Tin Cable | Special uninsulated tin cable which handles up to 5 EU/t (ultra-low voltage) have 0.025 loss per block.
Uninsulated cables cannot be painted. Uninsulated cables deal 1 point of damage per 64 EU current rowned down. Most effective tool for cables removal is chainsaw. | |
Copper Cable | Uninsulated copper cable which handles up to 32 EU/t (low voltage).
EU loss rate is 0.29 | |
Insulated Copper Cable | Insulated copper cable which handles up to 32 EU/t (low voltage). Insulation allows the cable to be painted, reduces distance-based energy loss and completely removes electric shock. You can also apply insulation to uninsulated copper cable by putting the uninsulated cable and a single piece of Rubber (shapeless) in a crafting table.
EU loss rate is 0.21 | |
Gold Cable | Uninsulated gold cable which handles up to 128 EU/t (medium voltage).
EU loss rate is 0.5 | |
Single-Insulated Gold Cable | Single-insulated gold cable which handles up to 128 EU/t (medium voltage). Single insulation allows the cable to be painted, reduces distance-based energy loss and reduces electric shock.
EU loss rate is 0.4501 | |
Double-Insulated Gold Cable | Double-insulated gold cable which handles up to 128 EU/t (medium voltage).
EU loss rate is 0.402 | |
HV Cable | Uninsulated HV cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage) and 2048 EU/t (extreme voltage).
EU loss rate is 1.0 | |
Single-Insulated HV Cable | Single-insulated HV cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage) and 2048 EU/t (extreme voltage). Single insulation allows the cable to be painted, reduces distance-based energy loss and reduces electric shock.
EU loss rate is 0.949 | |
Double-Insulated HV Cable | Double-insulated HV cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage) and 2048 EU/t (extreme voltage). Double insulation allows the cable to be painted, reduces distance-based energy loss and reduces electric shock.
EU loss rate is 0.9 | |
Triple-Insulated HV Cable | Triple-insulated HV cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage) and 2048 EU/t (extreme voltage). Triple insulation allows the cable to be painted, reduces distance-based energy loss and removes electric shock.
EU loss rate is 0.8 Although in-game it currently lists "4xInsulated", that is incorrect as you are adding a layer of insulation each time, not doubling the insulation each time. It is actually "3xIns" and should get renamed eventually in some future patch. | |
Glass Fibre Cable | Special glass fibre cable which handles up to 512 EU/t (high voltage). It is the only kind of uninsulated cable which can be painted and gives no electric shock. Glass fibre cable is useful for long-distance wiring, since it has the smallest energy loss of all kinds of cable - 1 EU every 50 blocks (0.025 EU per block). | |
Detector Cable | Outputs Redstone current when powered, support up to 512 EU flow(cannot be placed on HV lines).
EU loss rate is 0.5 (Since v1.62 this is no longer a viable cable option to replace glass fibre!) | |
Splitter Cable | Prevents the transfer of EU while being powered by Redstone, support up to 512 EU flow.
EU loss rate is 0.025 |
EU Storage[edit]
Name | Recipe | Description |
BatBox | EU storage block which stores up to 40,000 EU and accepts up to and outputs 32 EU/t (low voltage). Accepts current from any side, except the one with a dot, which is the output. | |
MFE Unit | EU storage block which stores up to 600,000 EU and accepts up to and outputs 128 EU/t (medium voltage). Accepts current from any side, except the one with a dot, which is the output. | |
MFS Unit | EU storage block which stores up to 10,000,000 EU and accepts up to and outputs 512 EU/t (high voltage). Accepts current from any side, except the one with a dot, which is the output. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Single-Use Battery | EU storage item which stores 1000 EU and can only be used once, but are stackable in up to 64. It can also be used to power most machines from their bottom slot. | |
RE Battery | EU storage item which stores up to 10000 EU and can be charged or discharged in a BatBox, MFE Unit or MFS Unit. It can also be used to power most machines from their bottom slot, and be charged in generators through their top (or middle) slot. | |
Battery Pack
(IC1 only) |
Stackable battery pack which pops 6 charged RE Batteries in the ground when right-clicked. | |
Energy Crystal | EU storage item which stores up to 100,000 EU and can only be charged or discharged in a MFE Unit or a MFS Unit. | |
Lapotron Crystal | EU storage item which stores up to 1,000,000 EU and can only be charged or discharged in a MFS Unit. | |
Electrolyzed Water Cell | Created in an Electrolyzer when the adjacent MFE Unit or MFS Unit is full, those cells absorb 15000 EU, but lose 1500 EU, only giving off 13500 EU when used (again by the Electrolyzer when the adjacent MFE/MFS is out of EU). |
Name | Recipe | Description |
LV Transformer | Either:
| |
MV Transformer | Either:
| |
HV Transformer | Either:
Machine Components[edit]
Name | Recipe | Description |
Machine | Base component for machines and the Quantum Leggings. | |
Advanced Machine | Base component for more advanced machines. | |
Electronic Circuit | Base component for machines, smart items and the Advanced Circuit. | |
Advanced Circuit | Base component for more advanced machines and smart items. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Generator | Simple generator which accepts fuel (43,200 EU for coal fuel, 16,200 EU for bio fuel), coal (4000 EU), scrap (825 EU), wood (750 EU), planks (750 EU), wooden blocks (750 EU), sticks (250 EU), saplings (250 EU, 200 EU for rubber tree saplings), sugar cane (125 EU) and cactus (125 EU) and outputs 5 EU/t. If there is no destination for the current, it can store up to 4000 EU. It is also a base component for other generators. | |
Geothermal Generator | Generator which accepts lava buckets and cells and outputs 10 EU/t for a total of 20,000 EU per lava bucket. If there is no destination for the current, it stores up to 240,000 EU (12 buckets or cells). | |
Solar Panel | Generator which, when exposed to sunlight through its top (glass and other non-full blocks like signs are an exception), outputs 1 EU/t for a total of 13050 EU per Minecraft day (08:20 to 19:45).
Note: This recipe changed from using Cable to Electronic circuits in v.1.337 | |
Water Mill | Generator which accepts water buckets and adjacent water and outputs either 2 EU/t for a total of 1000 EU per water bucket, or 0.010 EU/t per adjacent water block for a maximum of 0.25 EU/t with a 3x3 cube of water with the water mill in the middle and cable on top. | |
Wind Mill | Generator which outputs 0-3 EU/t for a total of an average of 250 EU/t multiplied by its height in the Minecraft world. The generation power can be hindered by any block in a 9x9x7 area around it, reducing the effective height by 1 for each block in said area. |
Nuclear Reactor[edit]
Name | Recipe | Description |
Nuclear Reactor | Complex generator whose output and total EU varies depending on the setup. Making reactor setups isn't easy and can lead to violent nuclear explosions. See its article for more information on how to build proper reactor setups. Can be disabled (cooldown mode) by applying a Redstone current to the core or any of the chambers. | |
Reactor Chamber | Can be attached to a reactor to increase its space by 1 column and its hull heat tolerance by 1000, also cooling the reactor at a rate of -2 heat per tick. Up to 6 chambers may be attached to a reactor, one on each side of it. Also used to craft a reactor. | |
Refined Uranium | Refined form of the uranium resource, used to craft a Uranium Cell. | |
Integrated Reactor Plating | When placed in a reactor, redistributes heat evenly between neighboring Coolant Cells or other plating. When there are no components cool enough, it stores up to 10,000 heat. It also increases the reactor hull's heat tolerance by 100. | |
Integrated Heat Dispenser | When placed in a reactor, redistributes heat from itself either to neighboring Coolant Cells or to the reactor hull. Every reactor tick (second), it can add or subtract 6 heat from neighboring elements and dispense up to 25 heat to or from the reactor hull. | |
Uranium Cell | Generates 1,000,000-5,000,000 EU at 5-25 EU/t (depending on efficiency, that is, cell adjacency), but generates excess heat which must be eliminated through cooling. When it decays, rarely turns into a Near-Depleted Uranium Cell, which once recharged, turns into a fresh new cell. | |
Near-Depleted Uranium Cell | Can be turned into a rechargeable Depleted Isotope Cell. | |
Depleted Isotope Cell | When surrounded by one or more Uranium Cells, will make the cell pulse an additional time. This pulse generates heat, but not EU, and recharges the cell. Recharging is much faster when done on a reactor running very hot (up to 9000 heat). | |
Re-Enriched Uranium Cell | Can be turned back into a Uranium Cell. | |
Coolant Cell | Absorbs up to 10,000 heat from uranium cells and other elements, while cooling itself down for 1 heat per reactor tick (second). |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Iron Furnace | Normal furnace which is faster (and thus uses less fuel) than a normal furnace, which can also burn fuel. Does not require energy. | |
Electric Furnace | Energy-powered furnace which is faster than an iron furnace. Takes 313 EU per operation (at least 3 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Macerator | Turns ore into Dusts and some other things - look for more recipes on this page. Takes 625 EU per operation (at least 2 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Extractor | Extracts resin into 3 rubber (triple the efficiency) and turns simple fuel cells into liquid fuel ones and some other things - look for more recipes on this page. Takes 313 EU per operation (at least 2 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Compressor | Compresses Mixed Metal Ingots into Advanced Alloy and Plantballs into Compressed Plants and some other things - look for more recipes on this page. Takes 625 EU per operation (at least 2 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Recycler | Has a random chance of turning anything inserted into it to Scrap. Takes 35 EU per operation (at least 2 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Canning Machine | Turns food (top slot) and tin cans (bottom slot) into several canned food (see the Food List). Canned food instantly heals you 1 heart per unit. It is also used to fill fuel cans using Biofuel Cells and Coalfuel Cells, and refuel Jetpacks using those cells. Takes (unknown) EU per operation, up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Induction Furnace | Special two-input two-output furnace which increases its smelting speed as it heats up through smelting. When it's not smelting anything, it will quickly lose heat, but the furnace can be applied a Redstone current to keep itself heated for 1 EU/t. Takes 6000 (0% heat) to 208 (100% heat) EU per operation (at least 16 EU/t needed for continuous usage), up to medium voltage (128 EU/t). | |
Mass Fabricator | Generates Matter for a vast amount of energy, but said amount can be reduced and the generation speed increased by feeding Scrap to the bottom slot. Takes 1,000,000 EU per operation (without any scrap), up to high voltage (512 EU/t). |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Luminator | Produces light when powered. | |
Personal Safe | Chest which can only be opened by you once you right-click it for the first time. It also has the space of a double chest. Useful for SMP. Does not require energy. | |
Trade-O-Mat | Allows a certain item to be traded by another, giving or taking from an adjacent chest or Personal Safe. Useful for SMP. See its article for a full guide on how to set one up. Does not require energy. | |
Magnetizer | Turns Iron Fences stacked vertically (up and/or down) into a faster alternative to ladders. When a player wearing metal boots (iron, gold, bronze, nano or quantum) approaches the fences, said player is quickly propelled upwards while the Magnetizer uses energy. Takes 2 EU/t while a player is being propelled, up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Electrolyzer | When placed adjacent to a MFE Unit or MFS Unit and filled with Water Cells, once the EU storage is full, starts turning the cells into Electrolyzed Water Cells, but once it's empty, starts using up the electrolyzed cells to supply power. Both operations run at 10 EU/t. | |
Tesla Coil | When charged and applied a Redstone current, it starts finding NPCs and players at a range of 4 blocks at the cost of 2 EU/t. If a NPC/player is found, it will apply 10 hearts of damage to it and discharge. Useful for placing monster traps outside your base. Takes 5000 EU to charge, up to medium voltage (128 EU/t). | |
Teleporter | Teleports a player to another Teleporter defined by a FreqTrans once it is applied Redstone current. Takes a variable amount of EU depending on the distance, kind of creature (human/monster/animal), inventory and worn armor (from Distance*100 for an animal to Distance*3100 for a player with a full inventory of stacks of 64 and all armor pieces worn), up to high voltage (512 EU/t). Please note that a teleporter does not accept cables as energy inputs - only EU storage blocks (MFS Unit recommended) adjacent to it. | |
Industrial TNT | Much like TNT, but with less power so as not to destroy ores or deal as much damage. | |
Dynamite | Smaller version of Industrial TNT which can be thrown or placed. | |
Sticky Dynamite | Dynamite that will stick to a wall when thrown. | |
Rubber Trampoline | Jumping off of a height onto this rubberized sheet will cause you to bounce back up, effectively negating fall damage. The rubber trampoline must be connected on at least 2 sides to blocks on the same level as it, and must have a gap underneath, similar to a real trampoline. | |
Iron Fence | Iron Fences can serve as a normal fence. Iron Fences can be stacked on top of one another, and if a player approaches the resulting pole while holding the Crouch button, he will quickly slide down the pole, much faster than down a ladder, but still not fast enough to receive fall damage upon touching the ground. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Miner | Mines vertically by laying down Mining Pipes placed in the top-center slot, using the Mining Drill or Diamond Drill (faster but consumes more energy) in the top-left slot and scanning for ores using the OD Scanner (5x5 area) or OV Scanner (9x9 area) in the top-right slot, either throwing anything out or placing in an adjacent chest. Any kind of block may be placed in the pipe slot too, causing the pipes to be retracted and refunded. Takes a variable amount of EU per operation based on the scanner and drill (460 EU for Mining Drill or 890 EU for Diamond Drill + 70 EU for OD Scanner or 180 EU for OV Scanner), up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Pump | When placed next to a miner and filled with empty cells, fills the cells with any liquid the miner comes across. When alone, fills an empty cell with a liquid one block directly below the pump. When alone, takes (unknown) EU per operation, up to low voltage (32 EU/t). | |
Mining Pipe | Placed in the miner's top-center slot. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Terraformer | Alters (terraforms) nearby landscape following a Terraformer Blueprint inserted in it (by right-clicking the machine with the blueprint). Takes a variable amount of EU/t (based on the blueprint being used), up to high voltage (512 EU/t). | |
Empty Blueprint | Empty Terraformer blueprint used to craft functional ones. | |
Chilling Blueprint | Simulates a Snow biome by placing snow (and later snow blocks) on top of blocks and freezing water. Takes 4 EU/t. | |
Compression Blueprint
(coming soon) |
Removes dirt and sand, crushing some of it into cobblestone and sandstone and then crushing cobblestone into stone. Takes 10 EU/t. | |
Cultivation Blueprint | Simulates a Plains biome by replacing sand with dirt, growing grass on top of dirt and randomly adding plantlife. Takes 20 EU/t. | |
Desertification Blueprint | Simulates a Desert biome by replacing dirt with sand, destroying plants, melting ice/snow and causing forest fires. Takes 4 EU/t. | |
Flatificator Blueprint | Removes all natural blocks (except stone) above the Terraformer and fills land below the Terraformer with dirt. Takes 40 EU/t. | |
Irrigation Blueprint | Replaces sand with dirt, grows grass on top of dirt, causes plants to grow faster, lets sugar cane grow past 3 blocks and rarely spawns water below the Terraformer. Takes 8 EU/t. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Bronze Helmet | Helmet with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Chestplate | Chestplate with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Leggings | Leggings with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Boots | Boots with 30% more durability than iron. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Nano Helmet | Energy-based helmet which absorbs part of your damage while charged. | |
Nano Body Armor | Energy-based chestplate which absorbs part of your damage while charged. | |
Nano Leggings | Energy-based leggings which absorb part of your damage while charged. | |
Nano Boots | Energy-based boots which absorb part of your damage while charged. | |
Iridium Plate | Material used to craft QuantumSuit armor | |
Quantum Helmet | Energy-based helmet which lets you breathe underwater, replenishes your hunger and cures poison while charged. | |
Quantum Body Armor | Energy-based chestplate which absorbs all of your damage while charged. | |
Quantum Leggings | Energy-based leggings which let you sprint more than 3 times faster, and while sprinting, jump higher. | |
Quantum Boots | Energy-based boots which absorb all of your fall damage while charged. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Bat-Pack | Chestplate which powers your electric tools using its energy of up to 60000 EU while you are wearing it. | |
LapPack | Upgraded version of the Batpack which can hold 300,000 EU | |
Composite Armor | Super-durable chestplate, more than 3 times the durability of a diamond chestplate. | |
Electric Jetpack | Energy-powered jetpack worn as a chestplate. It has a limited maximum flying height and a smaller operational time, unlike the normal fuel-powered Jetpack. | |
Jetpack | Fuel-powered tool that allows the player to fly while worn as a chestplate. It last for 90 seconds when fully charged. | |
CFPack | Chestplate which stores additional CF Pellets to automatically reload a CF Sprayer. | |
Rubber Boots | Boots which reduce your fall damage. | |
Static Boots | Energy-based boots which charge the electric chestplate you're wearing. | |
Solar Helmet | Energy-based helmet which charges the electric chestplate you're wearing from sunlight. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Bronze Pickaxe | Pickaxe with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Shovel | Shovel with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Axe | Axe with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Sword | Sword with 30% more durability than iron. | |
Bronze Hoe | Hoe with 30% more durability than iron. |
Name | Recipe | Description |
Treetap | Extracts Sticky Resin from rubber wood with resin holes in them upon right-clicking the wood. | |
Wrench | Removes machine with right click (there is a small chance that a machine will be gutted and drop only machine block or generator). | |
Cutter | When left-clicked on a cable, removes one layer of insulation, dropping the rubber. When right-clicked on a cable, adds one layer of insulation, using rubber from your inventory. | |
Painter | When dyed and left-clicked on a cable, paints the cable. Painted cables only connect with unpainted cables or painted cables of the same color. It cannot paint uninsulated cable, except for Glass Fibre Cable. Each dye lasts 16 uses. | |
EC-Meter | Detects how many EU are passing through a cable upon right-clicking on one. | |
Scaffold | Easy to place, easy to demolish platforms that also work like ladders. Try with Construction Foam. | |
CF Sprayer | Sprays Construction Foam. It can be recharged in a crafting table using CF pellets. |
Electric tools use energy instead of durability. They need recharging when they run out of energy, but they never wear out.
Name | Recipe | Description | |
Mining Drill | Electric pickaxe + shovel which is faster than a pickaxe and shovel. | ||
Diamond Drill | Upgraded mining drill which is faster and can break obsidian at a faster speed. | ||
Chainsaw | More efficiant electric axe with the plus of being an effective MOB stopper. | ! since 1.70 the Chainsaw now also works as shears. Just right-click on a sheep. Sames goes with grass or anything else you could shear, with normal shears.... Cheers | |
Electric Wrench | Like a Wrench, right-clicking on a machine with an electric wrench removes it. | Protip: Post 1.46v Electric wrenches toggle ability has a 100% chance to remove the machine. Tool is toggled by holding the "M" key and right clicking. | |
Nano Saber | Sword that deals massive damage when charged. | ||
Electric Treetap | Treetap which uses EU | ||
Mining Laser | Multipurpose laser which instantly breaks blocks. | ||
Electric Hoe | Hoe which uses EU |