The Fermenter is a heat-based machine used in biofuel energy production, specifically to process Biomass into Biogas.

Insert Biomass into the Fermenter, either manually with Universal Fluid Cells or installing a pulling upgrade (or using other mods' pipes), and it will collect in the 10000 mB (10B) input tank, conveniently in the green area of the GUI to match Biomass's coloration. Supply up to 100 HU/t through its rear connector, and the Fermenter will start processing, with each operation using 20 mB of Biomass and 4000HU to produce 400 mB of Biogas. The more heat supplied (up to its maximum), the faster the Fermenter will process.
The Biogas will end up in the 2000 mB output tank, in the yellow area of the GUI (which also helpfully matches Biogas's color). 2000 mB being a comparatively small buffer (it only takes 100 mB of Biomass to fill), it is recommended to either stock it with cells to remove once full, or pipe out the liquid somehow. A Jetpack (fuel-powered, not the electric version) may also be placed in the output slot to be filled directly.
For every 500 mB of Biomass processed (10B Biogas produced), the Fermenter will also output collected waste in the form of one Fertilizer.
Despite not being crafted with a Basic Machine Casing, the Fermenter may return one if broken with something besides a wrench.