CF Pellet

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With the CF Pellet, you can refill the CF Sprayer. CF Pellets are no longer used in the most recent version of IC². CF Sprayers are now filled with CF Powder.



Grid Clay Dust.png
Grid Redstone.png

Grid Water Bucket.png
Grid Coal Dust.png

Grid Construction Foam.png

Construction Foam

Construction Foam

Grid Clay Dust.png
Grid Redstone.png

Grid Water Cell.png
Grid Coal Dust.png

Grid Construction Foam.png

Construction Foam

Construction Foam

Grid Construction Foam.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid CF Pellet.png

See: Crafting Guide See: Crafting Guide See: Crafting Guide


NOTE: CF Pellets are not applicable in Experimental 2.2.x

Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Sand.png
Grid Clayball.png
Grid Sand.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid CF Powder.png

CF Powder

CF Powder

See: Crafting Guide


1/8 Fill:

Grid CF Pellet.png

Grid CF Sprayer.png

Grid CF Sprayer.png

Full Fill:

Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Sprayer.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Pellet.png
Grid CF Sprayer.png