Radioisotope Heat Generator

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Radioisotope Heat Generator
Radioisotope Heat Generator.png
Grid Radioisotope Heat Generator.png
Type Heat Generator
Tool Grid Wrench.png

Stackable Yes (64)

Energy Consumption

Heat Production 2-64 HU/t
Technical Details
UU Cost {{{uu_cost}}}
First appearance ?
ID IC2:{{{id}}}

The Radioisotope Heat Generator is a heat-based version of the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator. Like the RTG, it has 6 slots for Pellets of RTG Fuel and can therefore generate up to 64 hU/t. Like all heat generators, it can only output from the orange square face, into another machine that accepts heat, like the Stirling Generator. As of IndustrialCraft 2 2.8.97, the Radioisotope Heat Generator is obsolete, due to the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator requiring less resources and space for the same energy output.

Recipe (IC² Experimental)[edit]

Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Reactor Chamber.png
Grid Heat Conductor.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Radioisotope Heat Generator.png

See: Crafting Guide

Heat Generation[edit]

Amount Output
1 Pellet   Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 2 hU/t
2 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 4 hU/t
3 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 8 hU/t
4 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 16 hU/t
5 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 32 hU/t
6 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 64 hU/t