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Steel (the metal formerly known as refined iron) is a metal resource added by IC². It is not generated as ore, but must be created from Iron in a Grid Blast Furnace.png Blast Furnace.


As steel has no ore, it does not go through ore processing; steel ingots are produced in a Grid Blast Furnace.png Blast Furnace from iron (in some form) plus 6000 mB of Air, obtained by placing Grid Universal Fluid Cell.png Universal Fluid Cells in a Grid Compressor.png Compressor.

Steel also has no dust form; if macerated in ingot or dense plate form, it will return Grid Iron Dust.png Iron Dust.

(Note that the blast furnace UI below is outdated.)

Grid Steel Ingot.png
Grid Dense Steel Plate.png

Grid Iron Dust.png
Grid Iron Dust.png


These forms of steel are seen during metal shaping:


Steel in plate form is used in crafting Grid Advanced Machine Casing.png Advanced Machine Casings for making the more complex machinery of IC².

It is also used to make:


Now some further instructions for those customers, who bought the slightly less expensive versions of this products-row in crafting blueprints form.

I would still recommend that you BUY all machines instead, but if you really want to, you may craft them as well.

First of all, you need the basic resource for all kind of advanced machines:

It's secret knowledge revealed to you now, but with a little machine, you can actually smelt iron ingots to even better iron ingots called steel! Isn't that great?

They look better AND for sure are much more useful!