Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator

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Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator.png
Grid Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator.png
Type Generator
Tool Grid Wrench.png

Stackable Yes (64)

Energy Consumption

EU Production 1-32 EU/t
Technical Details
UU Cost {{{uu_cost}}}
First appearance ?
ID IC2:{{{id}}}

The Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (also known as RTG) is a generator that is fueled by placing Pellets of RTG Fuel inside. The pellets will not get used up, making the RTG a source of infinite EU, similar to a Solar Panel. However, they can only generate up to 32 EU/t, and the pellets cost a very high amount of resources to craft. The RTG has 6 slots for pellets, and the amount of EU produced increases exponentially as more pellets are added.

Energy Generation[edit]

Amount Output
1 Pellet   Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 1 EU/t
2 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 2 EU/t
3 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 4 EU/t
4 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 8 EU/t
5 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 16 EU/t
6 Pellets Grid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.pngGrid Pellets of RTG Fuel.png 32 EU/t


Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Reactor Chamber.png
Grid Generator.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Iron Casing.png
Grid Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator.png

See: Crafting Guide


- Although the RTG uses radioactive Plutonium as fuel and has a Reactor Chamber in its recipe, it does not emit any radiation at all, meaning it is safe to use near your workshop.