The Condenser is a machine that condenses Steam into Distilled Water. Heat Vents can be placed in it to speed up the cooling process at the cost of EU.
The Condenser is primarily used together with a Kinetic Steam Generator to prevent steam explosions. The condenser will catch up the steam that has passed through the turbine. It doesn't require EU in order to condense Steam into Distilled Water, but providing it does speed it up, as well as adding Heat Vents. Each Heat Vent will increase it's power consumption by 2 EU/t. It should be noted that Superheated Steam cannot be condensed in a Condenser, it must be passed through another Kinetic Steam Generator first. But you get kU from that, so HAYO!
The Condenser has a 100,000 mb internal tank for Steam to be stored, and can hold 1,000 mb of Distilled Water. If the Steam tank is full the Condenser simply stops accepting more Steam until there is room. If the Distilled Water tank is full then it stops all together until it is emptied so the next process can be emptied into it.
The Condenser has 1 upgrade slot where either an Item or Fluid Ejector Upgrade can be added to automatically eject Cells of Distilled Water, or the Distilled Water as a fluid.