Construction Foam

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Experimental-Only Content: This information has been updated to the V2.6.185 version of IC².
The most recent version of IC² is V2.8.<html>.
Construction Foam
Construction Foam ig.png
Grid Construction Foam.png
Type Block
Tool ?

Stackable Yes (64)

Technical Details
UU Cost {{{uu_cost}}}
First appearance ?
ID IC2:{{{id}}}

Construction Foam (CF) is a quick and effective construction material for defending against mobs. Players are able to break the foam easily before it hardens, but broken foam cannot be harvested.

Players, mobs, and animals can walk through foam until it fully hardens, but the risk of suffocation or getting stuck in a new wall is high.


Using the Grid CF Sprayer.png CF Sprayer will place a glob of multiple blocks of Construction Foam. Using Wooden Scaffolding will allow you to arrange the CF into desired shapes. By spraying CF onto Iron Scaffolding, the Construction Foam will harden into Reinforced Stone instead of normal CF Walls.

Construction Foam can also cover and harden around a placed cable, creating a block that functions as a cable but looks like a CF wall. When a CF-covered cable block is mined, the CF block is destroyed the cable remains.

After it's sprayed, it will eventually turn into a solid Construction Foam Wall, which is explosion resistant and paintable with the Grid Painter.png Painter. With an explosion resistance of 60, hardened CF Walls will resist TNT, Industrial TNT, and Creepers, but Reinforced Stone is a better choice for protecting against things like nuclear reactor explosions and lasers.

Construction Foam blocks harden at varying rates. CF hardens at 0.6% per 25 seconds, per light level. CF placed in total darkness will never solidify. Right-clicking on foam with a block of sand will cause the foam to harden instantly, consuming the sand in the process.

The CF Sprayer uses 100mB of Construction Foam per block. Therefore, one CF Powder can spray ten blocks of CF. The CF Sprayer's capacity can be increased with the use of a Grid CFPack.png CFPack.


To make Construction Foam, craft Grid CF Powder.png CF Powder and enrich 1000mB of water into 1000 mB of Fluid Construction Foam in the Grid Canning Machine.png Canning Machine. Fluid Construction Foam can then be stored in the Grid CF Sprayer.png CF Sprayer or Grid CFPack.png CFPack.

Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Sand.png
Grid Clayball.png
Grid Sand.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid Stone Dust.png
Grid CF Powder.png