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A condensator is one of two nuclear reactor components that eliminates heat within a Grid Nuclear Reactor.png Nuclear Reactor.


There are two types, the Grid RSH-Condensator.png RSH-Condensator and the Grid LZH-Condensator.png LZH-Condensator. The first is also used to craft the second, as shown.

Grid Redstone.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Heat Vent.png
Grid Heat Exchanger.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid RSH-Condensator.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid RSH-Condensator.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid Reactor Heat Vent.png
Grid Lapis Lazuli Block.png
Grid Reactor Heat Exchanger.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid RSH-Condensator.png
Grid Redstone.png
Grid LZH-Condensator.png


Condensators accept heat from adjacent components, either directly from fuel rods or through the use of heat exchangers; they do not 'pull' or exchange heat in any other way. Any heat transferred to a condensator is immediately destroyed; not stored for later cooling, as in the case of coolant cells, but simply eliminated entirely. Because of this, condensators are not recommended for use in a fluid reactor, which depends on transfer of heat to reactor coolant in order to output power; with a condensator, there is no heat transfer, and thus no output power.

Condensators cannot be destroyed through heat absorption, and will simply remain in a reactor at 0 health (providing no useful function) once they have expended their ability to eliminate heat. They can be repaired while remaining inside a reactor, however (see below).

The difference between the condensators is their durability and repair options.

  • Grid RSH-Condensator.png RSH-Condensator has 20,000 (20K) durability.
    • Place in a crafting grid with Grid Redstone.png Redstone to repair (up to) 10K.
    • If in a reactor and a Grid Reactor Coolant Injector (RSH).png Reactor Coolant Injector (RSH) is attached, an injected Grid Block of Redstone.png Block of Redstone will repair between 17K and 20K.
  • Grid LZH-Condensator.png LZH-Condensator has 100,000 (100K) durability.
    • Place in a crafting grid with Grid Redstone.png Redstone to repair (up to) 5K, or with Grid Lapis Lazuli.png Lapis Lazuli to repair (up to) 40K.
    • If in a reactor and a Grid Reactor Coolant Injector (LZH).png Reactor Coolant Injector (LZH) is attached, an injected Grid Lapis Lazuli Block.png Lapis Lazuli Block will repair between 85K and 100K.

For the coolant injectors, blocks are injected when a condensator is below 15% durability; for the RSH this means less than 3000, for the LZH this means less than 15000. (3000 and 15000 will not trigger injection, but 2999 and 14999 will.)

Due to condensators using resources to repair, a reactor setup using them should be considered a Single Use Coolant Configuration or SUCC type.

In addition to their functions within a reactor, condensators are used to craft their respective coolant injectors: