Outdated Content: This information is outdated and does not apply to the current version of IC².
This item really only makes sense in Multiplayer. You could craft it alone if you really wanted to, but what would be the point of that? |
The universally-useable, coin-based money for everything you possibly want to buy.

OR you use our patented crafting-window-to-galactical-bank-teleportation system and trade/craft 9 coins back into a single refined iron ingot.
Yes, this is costly and ill-advised, but it's not our bad for the galactical bank setting that sort of price.
Industrial Credits:
NOTE: The crafting recipe may be disabled on certain servers to prevent currency hyperinflation and a simulation of the Great Depression in Minecraft. We do not take resposibility of this happening on servers. Plain iron or even uu-matter is otherwise used as currency on servers.
Iron recall recipe:
NOTE: This is very inefficient because 1 coin is made one quarter of a refined iron ingot, not one ninth. You could still use it if you really wanted to though.