Block Cutting Machine
Block Cutting Machine | |
Properties | |
Type | Machine |
Tool | ![]()
Stackable | Yes (64)
Energy Consumption | |
Max EU Input | 32 EU/t (LV) |
EU Use | 4 EU/t |
EU Per Operation | 1800 |
EU Storage | 3600 EU |
Technical Details | |
Operation Length | 22.5 Seconds |
UU Cost | {{{uu_cost}}} |
First appearance | ? |
ID | IC2:te@51 |
| |
The Block Cutting Machine is used in metal shaping to cut blocks of metal into plates. It also functions as a sawmill, cutting logs and planks with better results than manual crafting.
The Block Cutting Machine is entirely useless without a blade to put in it. The blade's material determines what blocks the machine can cut.
A Block Cutting Blade (Iron) can cut these blocks into 9 plates:
In addition:
Wood (of any sort) yields 6
Wooden Planks of the appropriate type.
- Exception:
Rubber Wood yields 4 Jungle Wood Planks, rather than the 3 from manually crafting.
- Exception:
- 2
Wooden Planks yields 6
A Block Cutting Blade (Steel) can do all the above, and cuts two additional blocks:
A Block Cutting Blade (Diamond) can do all the above, and cuts two final blocks:
You have probably noticed that your crumby Forge Hammer skills and that obsolete Metal Former suck at making plates. You made this one yourself? See how uneven the edges are? What you need, my friend, is a SliceN'Dicer3000, a Block Cutting Machine of sorts. Unfortunately we're all out of stock so you will have to make it yourself! Just attach a motor on both ends of an iron shaft, and glue it on a standard advanced machine setup.
Now that you've built a SliceN'Dicer3000, you need a blade to scare away that yellow warning triangle. Look no further! What you need is a Diamond Block Cutting Blade, available for only eight diamonds and a refined iron ingot! What's that? Too expensive? (cheapskate...) How about a Refined Iron Block Cutting Blade, just eight refined iron and one normal iron? Don't tell me you're low on refined iron!?!? Fine! A cheapskate like you can use the Iron Block Cutting Blade.
You nail those scissor-edged plates to a stone core, and... HAYO! You have yourself an 'Iron Block Cutting Blade'.
Obviously a blade made out of iron will only be able to cut materials softer than iron. Luckily for you, most things are softer than iron. You don't know what materials are hard? Here, take this pamphlet. I'm getting sick and tired of people telling me they can't cut iron with iron!