Transformer upgrade

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Experimental-Only Content: This information has been updated to the V2.X version of IC².
The most recent version of IC² is V2.8.<html>.

Transformer Upgrades can be used to upgrade a machine's power tier. Transformer Upgrades are placed in one of the four right-most upgrade slots in a machine's interface.


Grid Glass.png
Grid 2xIns. Gold Cable.png
Grid Glass.png
Grid Glass.png
Grid MV Transformer.png
Grid Electronic Circuit.png
Grid Glass.png
Grid 2xIns. Gold Cable.png
Grid Glass.png
Grid Transformer upgrade.png


Each Transformer Upgrade increases the machine's power tier by one. One upgrade enables a Low Voltage tier 1 machine to receive Medium Voltage 128 EU/t, two upgrades enables it to receive High Voltage 512 EU/t, and so on. The Transformer Upgrade will also allow the machine to use higher tier storage items such as Grid Energy Crystal.png Energy Crystals.

Important: Make sure to put the transformer upgrade into the machine before applying power. Temporarily removing the wiring while setting up your machines is a good way to do this.