Thermal Centrifuge

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Thermal Centrifuge
Thermal Centrifuge ig.png
Grid Thermal Centrifuge.png
Type Machine
Tool Grid Wrench.png

Stackable Yes (64)

Energy Consumption
Max EU Input 128 EU/t (MV)
EU Use 48 EU/t
24000 EU per item
EU Storage 48000 EU
Technical Details
Operation Length 25 Seconds
UU Cost {{{uu_cost}}}
First appearance ?
ID IC2:{{{id}}}

The Thermal Centrifuge is the third machine in IC2's ore processing chain. It's primary purpose is to centrifuge Purified Crushed Ores into Dusts and Tiny Piles of Dusts. It is also necessary for obtaining Uranium 235 and 238 for use in Nuclear Reactors. It can also decompose depleted Fuel Rods and return some of the materials used to obtain them, as well as Plutonium.

For the Thermal Centrifuge to work, it first has to heat up to a certain temperature (which is determined by the resource you are centrifuging). The heat up phase will use up some EU. After the temperature is reached the centrifuging will begin (this phase will use up much more EU!). When no items to centrifuge are left, the Thermal Centrifuge will quickly lose all it's heat.


Grid Coil.png
Grid Iron.png
Grid Iron.png
Grid Mining Laser.png
Grid Advanced Machine.png
Grid Electric Motor.png
Grid Coil.png
Grid Iron.png
Grid Iron.png
Grid Thermal Centrifuge.png

See: Crafting Guide


Crushed Ores[edit]

Purified Crushed Ores[edit]

Depleted Fuel Rods[edit]

Other Uses[edit]