Tutorial:First Steps

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Basics steps in a new world[edit]

First steps1.png

You have downloaded and installed the mod and you have generated a new map, but you really don’t know where you begin. I must answer that : like all other map you have begin in, gather some wood, then some cobble and coal and build a little house (or a cave as you wish) for go through your first night.

First steps2.png

Here is mine with little flower, have a pretty house is always a plus, even if it’s just for you, and I can easily expand it.

Beware of the mobs if you are not in peaceful, the creepers can blow up what you built, so use some torches for light the area.

Keep in mind you will need lot of place for improve your industry, try to get a good spot with lot of space not too far away, like that sand plain I can see from my roof (and lot of sand for more purposes)

First steps3.png

Don’t forget to add some chests and a bed in your little place

Nothing new here, but you must begin with a good base if you want to go further. Next part we will see new things.