QuantumSuit Boots

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Revision as of 05:27, 13 January 2013 by Epic Lulz (talk | contribs)
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The QuantumSuit Boots are a new type of armor introduced in IC². They are extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having Iridium Plates as one of their components. Charged Boots allow the user to jump extremely high (up to 9 blocks up) and negate all fall damage completely at a energy cost

Press your boost key (default Ctrl) and your jump key at once to activate the QuantumJump



Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Rubber Boots.png

Grid Nano-Boots.png
Grid Lapotron Crystal.png

Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Rubber Boots.png

Grid Quantum-Boots.png

Raw ingredient cost:


The QuantumSuit Boots, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, store up to 1 million EU, and can only be recharged in an MFS Unit.

Grid Quantum-Boots.png

Note: The GUI of the MFSU shown here is outdated.


It costs 1000 EU to do a QuantumJump. (NOTE: This does not include the cost of fall damage negation) It costs (Fall Height - 4) x 900 EU to negate all fall damage.