Crops are the result of planting an item in the crop block. The Crop is shown ingame as four wooden stilts that can only be placed on tilled dirt. You can plant Wheat, Watermelon, Pumkin, and Reeds in the crop block. Plants in a crop block cannot be grown instantly with bonemeal and will instead just speed up the process. Fertilizer can be used for a better effect of this.
Once a plant is fully grown it can be right-clicked to be harvested without destroying the plant. Left clicking the plant will break it and if fully grown, has a chance to drop a Seed Bag. If there is no plant in the crop block, weeds will grow, which will spread to adjacent plants and kill them. If an empty crop block is right-clicked while holding another crop block, it will turn into a crossbreeder, which cannot be planted in.
If there are at least two plants adjacent to the crossbreeder, it will combine their traits to make a hybrid plant.
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