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Revision as of 21:05, 3 October 2011 by Feanturi (talk | contribs)
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For playing install the following mods in the SAME order in to your minecraft.jar:

  1. Risugami's ModLoader
  1. Flan's ModLoaderMP
  1. Player's ModLoaderMP-HotFix
  1. SpaceToad's MCForge
  1. Player's SoundFix (Without it, you haven't any sound)
  1. Player's Crash-HotFix (Without it, your client will sometimes crash)

It's strongly recommended to install these prequesite mods in the listed order onto a freshly downloaded minecraft.jar for optimum results.

How to Install[edit]

First install all mods above, then just put the industrialcraft-2-client_V2.8.<html>.jar into your 'mods'-folder located in .minecraft

Do not unpack your minecraft.jar.

Do not drop the whole client or the downloaded archive into your minecraft.jar.

Do not forget to delete the META-INF folder if you didn't delete it already.


For installing IndustrialCraft² on your server, you have to install following mods:

Then put the IndustrialCraft²-server.jar into your server's 'mods'-folder.


Question: After modifying the minecraft.jar, I can't use new recipes and don't find any new ore?
Answer: You probably forgot to install ModLoader as well. No ModLoader, no mod being loaded.

Question: Why I can't find new ores, but can craft the new stuff?
Answer: You can't find the new ores on chunks that were generated before installing the mod. Either start a new world or explore new parts of your world, these will contain new ore.

Question: Minecraft crashes if i place one of the new blocks/machines?
Answer: Install MoreIDs. Or, if you have it installed, ensure you installed the most actual version.

Question: Minecraft crashes if i rightclick on an already placed machine?
Answer: You're using an incompatible version of ModLoader. Check the descriptions above to see which version is need for this mod.

Question: Upon loading, Minecraft stops and gives me an error: "Slot xxx is already used"?
Answer: One of the other mods you've installed does have an item/block with the same ID as my mod. Use the config file of IndustrialCraft, to replace the double-used ID with any other ID that's free. Block IDs are 0-255, Item IDs are 256-32000.

Question: Why the sprites aren't correctly displayed. They look messy / white / pink-square.
Upon loading, Minecraft stops and gives me an error: "couldn't load image on index 0" (or similar)

Answer: Some kind of HD-mod/patch is intereferring with correct sprite display. IndustrialCraft is not and won't be compatible with anything besides 16x16 solution.

Question: Upon loading, Minecraft stops and gives me an error: "No further terrain/sprite indices left"?
Answer: You over-modded your minecraft.jar, the game can't handle that many new item sprites / bock textures. Consider removing some mods / setting up a fresh vanilla minecraft.jar .

Question: If i put stuff in the crafting window, it displays the item, but i can't take it from the slot?
Answer: The server you're playing one is not (properly) modified. Ask the server admin to check the installation instructions.

Question: ClassNotFoundException?
Answer: You've forgot one or more files, probably a prequesite mod.

Question: Minecraft gives the following message: You are missing the following mods: mod_IndustrialCraft X.xx
Answer: Either you or the server are using an outdated / incorrectly installed version of IndustrialCraft. Fix the install to continue.

Question: Bukkit?
Answer: No, stop bugging me already!

Question: Somebody made X but it doesn't work!?
Answer: We're NOT responsible for ANY stuff OTHER people create, not even if it's in direct relation to this mod. This includes config-setup programs,
texturepacks, modified versions, tutorials, videos and quite everything else. If you use stuff of other people, ask THEM if somethign isn't correctly working.

Question: Where do i place the config file?
Answer: This seems to be quite complicated. In relation to your OS and probably in relation to Java settings, the config needs to be either placed:
- in the .minecraft - folder
- in the .minecraft/bin - folder
- in your minecraft.jar
I can't predict which location is ned for your MC, just try them out.

Question: My game crashes upon equipping armor?
Answer: You installed the nanosuit file without enabling in the config.

Question: Can I install this mod with a (TFCs) Mod Manager?
Answer: Nope.

Question: Why does the Jetpack don't work?
Answer: First ensure you rightclick with a Jetpack equipped to activate it. As well, take note, that OPTIMINE will disable the code necessary for Jetpacks.

Question: Is there going to be any support for HD textures?
Answer: Nope, i'm a fan of 16x16 and will not do anything from myside to create some compatibility for crappy HD versions.
However, you may use this ... sizer.html
Image resizing tool to change the solution of all downloaded sprites to whatever solution your texture pack uses. This should make them work.
I don't take any responsibility for thatway-caused crashes, though.

Question: I've installed the nanosuit file, but minecraft crashes.
Answer: You forgot to enable the nanosuit in the config file.

Question: Is this mod compatible with X?
Answer: Can't tell you. This mod should be compatible with everything that's ModLoader-compatible.
If you get ID match's just use the ID Config added in v1.30 .
Exception: If you are using the Nanosuit expansion, this mod can cause incompatibilitys with other mods modifying the fd.class !

Question: I have blackscreen, your mod sucks, fix UP!
Answer: Either you forgot to delete the META-INF, though i already stated you have to delete it numerous times. Like everyone else around the forum.
OR you used incompatible versions. Keep in mind, not everything is compatible with everything else! This exspecially applies to ModLoader, which is required for this mod.

Question: Will you make this mod SMP compatible?
Answer: IT IS SMP Compatible!

Question: Mod X is incompatible with your mod, fix it!
Answer: As my mod is a clean mod running via ModLoader, any incompatibility is quite unlikely. And if it occurs, it's most likely due to Mod X.
NOTE: ID duplications may occur with some mods. For now you can only hope the other mod to have an ID config file, i will add one to this mod soon, though.
ID Duplications can be fixed with the IndustrialCraft ID config txt file

Question: Which IDs does your mod use?
Answer: Check the IndustrialCraftIDs.txt in the download ^^

Question: Can we have cars?
Answer: NO

Question: Why does it take so long to mine copper/tin or I Can't mine copper/tin?
Answer: Enable the industrialpixaxe class/config file or you have another mod that adds tools that is not compatible

Known Errors IC²[edit]

No errors at the moment


You need help with IC? Then have a look on our cool Tutorials!

First Steps (Made by OKamilTan)

Wiring (Made by Kingy24)


Hey, did you read the text above first? Well... OK, I trust you.

All versions of IndustrialCraft, starting with v6.37, got the server data included!.

With the download, you accept the Copyright of this mod!


Download IC² for Minecraft Beta 1.8.1

Latest version: v1.15


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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3

Latest version: v8.55_02

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.6.6

Latest version: v7.20

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.5_01

Latest version: v7.04

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.4_01 (Multiplayer compatible)

Latest version: v6.37

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.4_01 (Singleplayer only)

Latest version: v5.43

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.4

Latest version: v5.12

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Download IC for Minecraft Beta 1.3_01

Latest version: v4.73

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Have Fun with the Industrial Craft Mod for Minecraft!