Support archived

From Industrial-Craft-Wiki
Revision as of 13:31, 18 May 2011 by Talonius (talk | contribs)
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Our IRC-Channel on #Industrial-Craft!

Otherwise there is a php-based Support-Chat:

Please make sure you have read the Solutions section and the FAQ, as they answer many several problems.

Please do not report already known bugs or you WILL be ignored:

Known bugs: -MFE's display their energy level wrong in SMP, as well their storage amount -Item-O-Mats won't display price and item sold in the GUI, same goes for the other Mat's -Depleting Electric tools will cause them to break -There are currently no (correctly) working char-messages given by items at all -Punching people with electric tools can cause... interesting stuff -Using different config settings server/client wise can cause bugs like unmineable new-ores or disconnecting issues

Last thing you can do is:

Be registered at the wiki! Then click on "edit" in the head-navigation.

Post error logs with the Code template.

Please write your comments like this:

.The post before.

: (Your post)
: - ~~~~ -
:: (Next post)

:: - ~~~~ -
~~~~ = User's Signature

Attention: If you post your comment wrong or use bad words or something against rhe rules else, you post gets immediately deleted!

Discussion Example[edit]

Post the bugs here.

There is bug in the mod.
- User123 20:00, 8 April 2011 (CEST) -
Please Post an Error Log... -.-
- User123 20:00, 8 April 2011 (CEST) -
Java exception error (and so on)
- User123 20:00, 8 April 2011 (CEST) -

I found another bug. the...
- User123 20:00, 8 April 2011 (CEST) -

To post your comment go to Talk:Support.