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Revision as of 15:21, 13 April 2011 by Feanturi (talk | contribs) (Electro Furnace => Electric Furnace)
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We lied to you, sorry. We told you that using Batterys in Electric Furnaces wouldn't cause any pollution.

Picture not available

Now, the cakeno-pollution-thingy was a lie.

Yes, Electric Furnaces don't burn stoff and damage our dear Earth, but YOU DO! Yes!

By using this Generator, you can recharge the T500-Rechargeable Energy Storation Unit unlimitedly.

But in redo the Generator will need something it can burn to create this energy the RE Battery needs.

We know, you must feel terrible right now, being the cause for global warming and all this stuff. But we can help you, HAYO!


Empty.png Machine Empty.png = 1Generator

Refined Iron Refined Iron Refined Iron = 1Generator
Iron Furnace


Storage: None

Output: 5 EU/s