Bronze Boots
From Industrial-Craft-Wiki
Revision as of 06:15, 1 September 2013 by Andrewminer (talk | contribs)
This is a low-tech piece of armour made from Bronze. It behave like vanilla armor and disintegrates completely as soon as durability is depleted.
- Protection - 1.5 chestplates/3 armor points (24% damage reduction unenchanted, 100% of Diamond, 133% of Iron)
- Enchantability - 9 (90% of Diamond, 100% of Iron)
- Durability - 240 (45% of Diamond, 100% of Iron)
- Can be repaired with a Bronze Ingot in an Anvil
- Can be repaired with another bronze boots inside crafting grid.
- Can be enchanted with an enchanted book in an anvil.
- 4 x Bronze Ingot
Produces: 1 x Bronze Boots
For full requirements, see: Crafting Guide
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