Mining Drill
The D-765 Mining Drill is an electric tool for mining stone and ores. It has no durability and as such will never wear out, but needs to be recharged periodically. It is also used to craft the D-965 Diamond Drill.
Mining Drill | |
Properties | |
Type | Tool |
| |
Damage | +2 Attack Damage |
Durability | Infinite |
Mining level | Iron |
Stackable | No |
Flammable | None
| |
Next tier | |
Energy Consumption | |
Max EU Input | 32 EU/t (LV) |
EU Use | 50 EU/t Per use |
EU Storage | 30000 EU |
Technical Details | |
First appearance | ? |
See: Crafting Guide
Charged Mining Drill:
Uncharged Mining Drill:
See: Crafting Guide
This tool may be charged using a Generator of any kind or MFE/MFSU/BatBox. Alternatively, it can receive power from a Bat-Pack. It can also be recharged by right-clicking while holding a battery (hold right-click until it fully charges, Also please note that you need to be holding only a single battery)
- Without a Bat-Pack, it can mine 600 ground blocks before needing to be charged. The D-965 Diamond Drill can only mine 375 but is much faster.
- In IC2 Experimental Versions, right-clicking with the Mining Drill will place a Torch down, if there is any in your inventory.
Related Tools[edit]
- Diamond Drill - The diamond version of this tool. It is more expensive, but can harvest obsidian and dig faster. However, it costs more energy to use.
- Iridium Drill - The upgraded version of the Diamond Drill, which is even faster and has Silk Touch and Fortune.
It's good, it's neat, it's a hype and it's frikkin' productive!
But can simple pickaxes still fuel the hunger of modern machinery? I tell you: No!
For this sake, we developed the ultimate device for every miner:
The D-765 Electric Mining Drill!!
This device can easily run right through any kind of stone, ore or sand. Actually, it goes right through them even EASIER then a hot knife through butter.
That's a fact, mate.
Additionally, our great level of technology allowed us to make the Mining Drill fully compatible with our famous T500-Rechargeable Energy Storage Unit.
Of course, you can now complain about the energy hunger of "a simple tool". But did you yet realize that the Mining Drill is completely unbreakable?
You say it isn't? Of course it is, or do you think we would ever lie to you?!
Also, for the rich and famous, we have a one-time special:
just combine 3 Diamonds with your D-765 Mining Drill, to make the even-more-frikkin'-awesome D-965 Diamond Drill!!
It's faster than light!!