Canning Machine

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Canning Machine
Canning Machine ig.png
Grid Canning Machine.png
Type Machine
Tool Grid Wrench.png

Stackable Yes (64)

Grid Overclocker Upgrade.pngGrid Transformer upgrade.pngGrid Energy storage upgrade.pngGrid Ejector Upgrade.pngGrid Fluid Ejector Upgrade.png
Energy Consumption
Max EU Input 32 EU/t (LV)
EU Use 1 EU/t
Technical Details
UU Cost {{{uu_cost}}}
First appearance ?
ID IC2:{{{id}}}

The Fluid/Solid Canning Machine (hereafter just 'Canning Machine') is a machine with four modes. It can be used to put food into Tin Cans, fill empty fuel rods, enrich liquids, and fill or empty liquid containers (to include Jetpacks).


Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Electronic Circuit.png
Grid Basic Machine Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Tin Item Casing.png
Grid Canning Machine.png


The canning machine interface has two separate tanks for holding fluids, input on left and output on right, and two input slots - the top left for containers, and the center for canning or enrichment items. There is also a button in the bottom-center which will switch between four different modes (and displays the current mode), and above it (not currently shown; images need updating) a button that will transpose the input and output fluid tanks.

Mode and notes GUI example
GUI Canning Machine A.png
Places food into Tin Cans to create Canned Food (Opened), which is stackable to 64 and is also eaten much faster than ordinary food (and can be auto-fed to you by the QuantumSuit Helmet). It also places nuclear fuel - enriched uranium or MOX - into empty fuel rods.

Drain from Cell into Tank
GUI Canning Machine B.png
Self-explanatory; observe the arrows in the machine GUI. Any recognizable fluid container can be drained: buckets, Universal Fluid Cells, (maybe Jetpack/CF gear? test this)

Fill Cell from Tank
GUI Canning Machine C.png
Also self-explanatory. Used for filling/refueling Jetpacks, CF Sprayers, and CF Backpacks, and also to place fluids back into buckets, Universal Fluid Cells, or other fluid containers as appropriate.

Fluid Enrich
GUI Canning Machine D.png
Combines the fluid in the left (input) tank with the item in the center slot. If there is a container in the top left slot, the newly enriched fluid will be placed there; if not, it will go to the right (output) tank instead. Used to create coolant, Biomass, and Construction Foam.

Canned Food[edit]

Different foods fill a different number of cans, depending on the type of food. Canned food can be stacked, regardless of what food was used to create it, allowing you to stack different food types and save valuable inventory space. Each can of food restores 1 point of hunger and adds 3.2 points of saturation.

Eating a can of food does not consume the can; instead, it is returned to your inventory, or, if your inventory is full, dropped onto the ground.

Tin CanTin Can => Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Item Amount of cans produced
Cooked Porkchop Cooked Porkchop Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Steak Steak Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Mushroom Stew Mushroom Stew Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cooked Chicken Cooked Chicken Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Bread Bread Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cooked Fish Cooked Fish Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Apple Apple Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Beef Raw Beef Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cookie Cookie Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Melon Slice Melon Slice Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Fish Raw Fish Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)

Outdated Content: This information is outdated and does not apply to the current version of IC².

Previously, canned food took longer to eat and produced less cans per food item, but could also be created from some additional items.

Tin CanTin Can => Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Item Amount of cans produced
Cooked Porkchop Cooked Porkchop Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Mushroom Stew Mushroom Stew Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Steak Steak Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Bread Bread Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cooked Chicken Cooked Chicken Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cooked Fish Cooked Fish Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Apple Apple Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Golden Apple Golden Apple Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Beef Raw Beef Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh Canned Food (Opened)Canned Food (Opened)
Cookie Cookie Canned Food (Opened)
Melon Slice Melon Slice Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken Canned Food (Opened)
Raw Fish Raw Fish Canned Food (Opened)
Spider Eye Spider Eye Canned Food (Opened)


Version Changes
Industrial Craft²
0.90 The Canning Machine, Empty Can, Canned Food and Canned Food (Opened) are re-released. The Canned Food can stack up to 64. To open a Canned Food, it must be crafted in this manner:

Grid Canned Food.png

Grid Canned Food (Opened).png

Canned Food (Opened) once consumed would heal one heart. (There was no hunger bar then).

1.15 Canned Food may now be directly consumed, healing 1 hunger point, and now has an eating animation of 1.6 s (like all other food). When Zombie Flesh and Raw Chicken was canned, it would yield 1 Canned Food that causes no effect.
1.42 Spider Eyes may now be canned into normal food, cleansing it.
1.109 Canning bad food will result in a different type of Canned Food that when consumed, gives the Hunger debuff.


Weren't you ever peacefully exploring the vast landscape and got suddenly attacked by hordes of suddenly appearing, highly dangerous monsters?

Sure, with the right equipment, especially if you are using our precious technology, you can fend these beast off. But somewhen, you get hungry, and what then?

For long travels, you will need abnormous amounts of food. And as everyone knows, food takes up quite a lot of space in every backpack.

Tin Cans can make your life much easier...

if combined with the Unmobile Food Canning Machine GTA4!

This device is capable of splitting ANY kind of sourve into it's basic components and mixing them up to a healthy, yet tasty mash.

As well, it can fill this mash with an amazing speed into tin cans and seal them up for unlimited expiry dates!