Tutorial:Compilation of CVL's guide

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This tutorial is intended as extension to the basic tutorial from Kingy24's wiring tutorial Written for IC V.55

Advance Wiring[edit]

Cable Splitting / Branching[edit]

Branching a cable is like Branching a river's power. The more you branch, the less each end get the power (EU/f).

You can only split to TWO cable at a time, and if you want to split up to three or more, you need to split it as a branch of a branch.

In most case (No relay), the total energy in the system will be conserved.

Power IS NOT Energy. Think of it like Power is the muscle strength, and energy is the sugar.

This is what happen to the power inside a branched cable: [1]

The power distribution is still valid EVEN IF one of the branch is empty branch (no machine, no MFE or MFSU, just one block cable extended).

But do not worry, in the case of empty branch , the only thing happen to the energy is simply slowing down the energy transfer rate by half, no energy loss, just slower.

Multiple Output Cable Switch/Selection[edit]

Let's say that you have 4 different direction you want to direct your power to, but you want to allow one or two direction at a time to get the maximum power you can give with minimum split, there is one easy trick: sticky pistons. [2]

The idea of using sticky pistons is to transform a power connection from a branched cable to non-branched cable.

Using Switch cable can be useful however, the power branch might reduce the power so low that you cannot work with it anymore,

because branched connection with switch cable still count as branched cable EVEN IF there is no connection.