Tin Cable

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Revision as of 16:29, 25 June 2012 by Emollison (talk | contribs)
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Tin cables can only tolerate up to 5 EU per packet, but they are very cheap to make and have extremely low energy loss. This makes them the ideal cable for solar flowers, since each produce a current equal to 1 EU/t.

This wire cannot be insulated, so it cannot be painted. This cable is also prone to electrocuting nearby objects, so be careful. Edit: I tested versions 1.43, 1.71, 1.95b, and neither mobs nor the player can be electrocuted, so I figure the electrocution thing only applied to the original version whatever that was.


Grid Tin.png

Grid Tin.png

Grid Tin.png

Grid Tin Cable.png

Tin Cable

Tin Cable

Cable Efficiency[edit]

Cable type EU/b Energy loss
Tin Uninsulated 0.025 1 EU every 40 blocks