Nuclear Reactor

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The Nuclear Reactor is an advanced machine capable of refining Uranium into Uranium Fuel Ingots, as well as using Uranium Fuel Ingots to generate energy.

The first application of a Nuclear Reactor is to refine Uranium into Uranium Fuel Ingots. Placing a piece of Uranium into the top slot of a Nuclear Reactor will refine the Uranium into four Uranium Fuel Ingots; this application of the Nuclear Reactor doesn't require any additional fuel.

The second use of a Nuclear Reactor is to generate energy with Uranium Fuel Ingots. Each ingot, when placed in the bottom slot of the Nuclear Reactor, will generate 40000EU at a rate of 20EU per tick. This energy can be used to charge RE Batteries, or the reactor can be connected to cables to power machines directly.

When using a Nuclear Reactor, there is a chance the reactor will explode, which can damage terrain, buildings, machines, and nearby players. If the reactor is surrounded by water (source blocks or flowing water), the chance of an explosion will be dramatically lower. Materials such as Obsidian and Reinforced Stone can be used to build a barrier around the reactor to prevent excessive damage if the reactor explodes.


Glowstone Dust Advanced Alloy Glowstone Dust
Advanced Alloy Generator Advanced Alloy = 1Nuclear Reactor
Electric Circuit Advanced Alloy Electric Circuit


Storage: None

Output: 160000EU per Uranium (40000EU per Uranium Fuel Ingot)