Nuclear Reactor

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Revision as of 08:08, 15 April 2011 by Maikelos27 (talk | contribs) (I added information about how much Eu/s nuclear reactor generates)
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As well, we discovered a whole new source of immense energy:

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Nuclear Reactors

These most advanced pieces of technology can produce enough energy to supply entire towns. Or a few RE Batterys. Your choice.

To build one, you of course need advanced materials, so we rather recommend you to BUY it, seriously, it's much cheaper then self-crafting!

Only 4.99$, if you pay the shipping costs of roughly 5 billion $!

How to use this extremely cheap device? Now, it even has TWO functions!

First of all, you can drop freshly harvested Uranium into it. This will result the machine to partially draw energy from the Uranium, whilst refining it to extremely useful Uranium Ingots.

This means, the Nuclear Reactor will work WITHOUT any fuel source, isn't that great, HAYO!

Second, you can use Uranium Fuel Rods as fuel source to charge RE Batterys.

In fact, a single Uranium rod will already give enough energy for an amazing 3 to 4 RE Batterys. THAT'S THE POWA! If you put those Uranium Fuel Rods as a fuel into Nuclear Reactor it will generate amazing 20 Eu/s and """ THAT's THE POWA """

Please take note, that the usage of Nuclear Reactors can pose a serious thread of Nuclear Accidents to both, your health and your house. We are not responsible for any explosions caused by any of our devices, including the Nuclear Reactor.

Fukushima showed us that reactor explosions are possibly related to a lack of cooling, we are not aware of whether an adequate amount of water surrounding the reactor will increase it's stability.


Glowstone Dust Advanced Alloy Glowstone Dust
Advanced Alloy Generator Advanced Alloy = 1Nuclear Reactor
Electric Circuit Advanced Alloy Electric Circuit


Storage: None

Output: 15.000 EU per Uranium