Geothermal Generator

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Ge-o-ther-mal, doesn't that sound really good? Ye, it does. And why? Because it's freakin awesome!

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A Geothermal Generator works on the same basic principe as normal Generators do.

But instead of wastefully burning stuff, these machines use the heat of pure Magma to provide a clean, yet powerful energy source. Just put a bucket of freshly gathered lava in,

and watch your RE Batterys charging up! HAYO!

Attention: We take no responsibility for any physical damages customers may take in the process of filling Geothermal Generators with lava.

You may not sue us for payment of any fire damages done to your housing.


Glass Electric Circuit Glass
Glass Generator Glass = 1Geothermal Generator
Refined Iron Refined Iron Refined Iron


Storage: None

Output: n/a