Talk:Main Page

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Wiki Content[edit]

I was just wondering if the main focus of this wiki is to be Alblaka's words, which can be read on his forum post, or more clearly defined, less humorous specifics about the content of his IC mod? Jasperzorin 18:12, 15 April 2011 (CEST)


Part of what makes (the Minecraft wiki) so easy to read are the templates that host images and brief descriptions about blocks and items as well as those show-casing recipes on the crafting table and the furnace as well. Are there plans to add template functionality to this wiki? Jasperzorin 18:12, 15 April 2011 (CEST)

Jasperzorin, stop spamming the subwiki link. AND there are plans for more templates
- Feanturi 18:15, 15 April 2011 (CEST) -

  • That is not the sub-wiki link, that is THE Minecraft wiki link. I learned almost everything I needed to know about Minecraft from their wiki before I even purchased the game. They are the ones I try to emulate in my posts, I hope you would agree with me that they do things pretty well.
  • Look, I am aiming for the benefit of the IC users. This is not all about you, me, this wiki, or Alblaka.
  • Believe it or not, I am trying to help. I am trying to see if I can transfer my work to this space (easier for you and I both, not to mention taking attention away from an already nearly-completed wiki) or if you would have me start over from scratch (meaning I would not feel any need to move away from the sub-wiki space). If you take a moment to look at this from my perspective, I made my first significant online contribution ever because I saw a void and wanted to fill it. It took me 3 weeks of hard, hard work. Hopefully you can see I don't want that to go to waste, whether that's adding that work to what you have here or maintaining the sub-wiki until this official one is up to full-speed. - Jasperzorin 19:32, 15 April 2011 (CEST)


More than once I have had my wiki entries deleted before I could post them because of pop-ups from your site. Is there anyway to prevent this happening? I'm sure it would make other users want to rip their hair out in frustration as well... - Jasperzorin 18:45, 15 April 2011 (CEST)