Talk:Geothermal Generator

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I notice that it mentions interfacing with the BuildCraft pump... but not the pump you can make with IC2. I'm new to IC2, so maybe I'm just not getting it: if I put three machines touching like so:

 v   empty cells
 v    v

and run a wire around from the Geothermal Generator back to the other two, will it end up self-powering (when it finds lava) or just sit there (after the initial charge runs out)?

This is assuming I'm not using BuildCraft (I have no clue if the modpack I'm playing with has BuildCraft installed or not), just IC2. Gatherer818 02:36, 17 May 2012 (CEST)

(Sorry for multiple edits, it seems to hate me - it keeps messing with the formatting. Teaching me to use the preview the hard way, lol.) Gatherer818 02:39, 17 May 2012 (CEST)

It seems to have a major bug.[edit]

I am running technic v 7.2.6 . short story: My geothermal isn't working and I don't know why. Yes I checked the wires and made sure lava was in it. Yes I tried my best to reset the thing (removed and replaced the thing AND reloaded the world). That didn't help. longer, more detailed, perhaps a bit runon sentence-ey story: I had a geo generator running off of lava pumped in by buildcraft pipes. It was wired to a MFE's back (the side opposite the output), at which point the wire Ts off and goes to my solar panels (regular 1EU/t panels, not the compact solar arrays found in techinc). The MFE was wired directly to a T intersection, one side going to my mass fab and the other to a LV transformer. When my stuff was arranged like this, the generator was working. After turning off the lava supply to my generator, I added an MFSU between the mass fab and the MFE. I then decided I wanted to split the wire from the generator so it powered the MFSU directly rather than draining my MFE. I rearranged the wires so that the wire from my solar panals would power the MFSU and the MFE would be independent of the MFSU. After making sure this was all in order (all wires connected that should be and vice versa), I turned the lava supply back on. The generator filled but did NOT start running. I tried applying a redstone signal, removing the same, trying to make sure it wasn't just a one time bug (that is, I removed the geo and put it back), etc. I still do not know what is going on. A few things I do know is that all the wires are connected how I intend them to be, all the pipes are connected, the generator has lava in it, and the electric has a storage unit to go to, I've tried completely logging out of minecraft before saving this talk page topic, and my geothermal generator isn't running. If anyone has any suggestions (other than trying a different spot with my generator, which I'm about to do) PLEASE tell me ---END OF INITIAL POST. Please don't edit above this line except to fix any grammar mistakes I missed.---