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Revision as of 04:45, 8 February 2012 by Freakytiki34 (talk | contribs)
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Eu/t vs. Eu/s[edit]

What is the conversion between EU per tic and EU per second?

Quote.pngWell one second in minecraft got 20 ticks :3 so EU/t*20 = 1EU/sQuote.png
by Feanturi(''''')

Hello everyone. I'm just wondering if someone could explain to me the config options that let you modify EU generation. I'm looking to make Solar Panels a bit more efficient on my server. [EDIT: I've been able to get them to be LESS efficient by making the number 50, but when I set it above 100 it doesn't seem to do anything]--05:38, 8 February 2012 (CET)Freakytiki34