QuantumSuit Leggings

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Revision as of 19:45, 20 January 2012 by Samo101 (talk | contribs)
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New Item/Block of IndustrialCraft².

The QuantumSuit Leggings are a new type of armor introduced in IC². They are extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having Iridium Plates as one of their components. Charged Leggings allow the user to sprint extremely fast (approximately 3.4 times faster) until discharged. To activate the Quantum-Suit's special abilities, start sprinting.


Grid Machine.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Glowstone Dust.png
Grid Lapotron Crystal.png

Grid Machine.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Glowstone Dust.png
Grid Quantum-Leggings.png


The QuantumSuit Leggings, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, store up to 1 million EU, and can only be recharged in an MFS Unit.

Grid Quantum-Leggings.png

Interaction with Ice[edit]

It is interesting to note that after running across 10 ice blocks in a row with the QuantumSuit Leggings, will enable the user to jump very high. It is recommended to wear QuantumSuit Boots or Rubber Boots if attempting this.