QuantumSuit Bodyarmor

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Revision as of 21:53, 27 March 2012 by Lnodiv (talk | contribs)
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The QuantumSuit Bodyarmor is a new type of armor introduced in IC². It is extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having Iridium Plates as one of its components. A charged Bodyarmor will absorb a large portion of incoming damage, as well as preventing the user from being lit aflame.


Grid Advanced Alloy.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Nano-Bodyarmor.png
Grid Lapotron Crystal.png
Grid Advanced Alloy.png
Grid Advanced Alloy.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Iridium Plate.png
Grid Quantum-Bodyarmor.png


The QuantumSuit Bodyarmor, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, stores up to 1 million EU, and can only be recharged in an MFS Unit.

Grid Quantum-Bodyarmor.png