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function ModifySidebar(action, section, name, link) {
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    } catch(e) {
      // lets just ignore what's happened

$ ( function(){
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function CustomizeModificationsOfSidebar() {
    //adds [[Special:CategoryTree]] to toolbox
    ModifySidebar("add", "tutorials", "First Steps", "");
    ModifySidebar("add", "tutorials", "Wiring", "");
    ModifySidebar("add", "tutorials", "Nuclear Power", "");
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    ModifySidebar("add", "navigation", "Download", "");
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    ModifySidebar("add", "navigation", "Forum", "");
    ModifySidebar("add", "navigation", "Blog", "");
    ModifySidebar("add", "navigation", "April Fool 2012", "");
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 * Tooltip Generator                      *
$(function() { 
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	        //Old methods of turning \ into <br/>
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					title += "<span style=\"color: #AAAAAA;text-shadow: #2A2A2A 2px 2px 0px;display: block;margin-top: 0.25em;\">" + stitle[i].trim() + "</span>";
	        // Add the text to the tooltip
	        mc_tooltip().html(title.replace(/_/g, " "));
	        // Need to update the position to the cursor position
	        $me.trigger('mousemove', e);
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				left -= width + 36;
			// If now going off to the left of the screen, resort to going above the cursor
			if ( left < 0 ) {
				left = 0;
				top -= height - 22;
				// Go below the cursor if too high
				if ( top < 0 ) {
					top += height + 47;
			// Don't go off the top of the screen
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				top = 0;
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				top = win_height - height;
	        // Apply the position
	            top: top,
	            left: left
		.on('mouseleave', selector, function (e) {

 * Infobox Collapser                      *
$( ".infoboxBlockImage img" ).each( function() {
    var width = parseInt( $( this ).attr( "width" ), 10);
    if ( width > 240 ) {
        $( this ).attr( "height", "" );
        $( this ).attr( "width", "240" );
$( ".infobox:not(.infoboxNoCollapse) td" ).each( function() {
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        $( this ).parent( "tr" ).hide();

// TODO: Make less dodgy
$( ".infobox:not(.infoboxNoCollapse) tr.infoboxSectionHeader" ).each( function() //.infobox:not(.infoboxNoCollapse) .infoboxSubsectionBreak, 
    var flag = true,
    next = $( this ).next();
    //console.log("\nNew Section\n");
    var line = false;
    var draw_line = null;
    while ( next && next !== undefined && next.html() !== undefined && !next.hasClass( "infoboxSectionHeader") ) // && !next.hasClass( "infoboxSubsectionBreak" ) &&
		if (next.hasClass( "infoboxSubsectionBreak" )) {
			//console.log("Next Line Break:");
			line = false;
			draw_line = next;
        if ( next.css( "display" ) != "none" && !next.hasClass( "infoboxSubsectionBreak" ) ) {
        	//console.log("So this is making it shown");
            flag = false;
            line = true;
        next =;
    if ( flag ) {
    	//console.log("Nothing made this section show");
        $( this ).hide();
    if ( !line && draw_line !== null ) {
    	try{ = "none";}catch(TypeError){} //I think it has issues with the first object

if(wgPageName === "User:Chocohead/Sandpit") {