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Dusts are gained from macerating their respective ores. With the exception of coal, which only returns one dust per piece, all ores when macerated will give 2 dusts of their type.


Dusts (from Resources)[edit]

Grid Coal.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Coal Dust.png

Grid Clay.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Clay Dust.png

Grid Lapis Lazuli (Dye).png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Lapis Lazuli Dust.png

Note: Coal Dust cannot be made out of Charcoal.

Dusts (from Ingots)[edit]

Grid Copper.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Copper Dust.png

Grid Tin.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Tin Dust.png

Grid Bronze.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Bronze Dust.png

Grid Iron.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Iron Dust.png

Grid Refined Iron.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Iron Dust.png

Grid Gold.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Gold Dust.png

Bronze Dust[edit]

Grid Copper Dust.png
Grid Copper Dust.png

Grid Copper Dust.png
Grid Tin Dust.png

Grid Bronze Dust.png

Bronze Dust

Bronze Dust

The Bronze Dust recipe is shapeless. You can also use Crushed/Purified Ores Note: There's no way to separate the tin/copper dusts afterwards.


Dusts, apart from coal dust and glowstone dust, can be smelted into ingots, allowing for 2 ingots per ore. Dusts may also be used in a variety of recipes for machines and items.

Grid Iron Dust.png
Grid RE Battery (Charged).png
Grid Iron.png


Industrial Corp certifies that all rumors involving:

  • Powered dusts, luminescent dusts or explosive dusts can be used making fuel

are untrue.